Die Start-Variante. Bis zu 100.000 Tokens nutzen und ISI Chat unverbindlich testen.
Noch unsicher?
Dann ist die Start-Version genau die richtige Wahl. Nutzen Sie bis zu 100.000 Tokens für nur 15 € pro Monat (180 € pro Jahr) für Ihre Kommunikation mit ChatGPT und testen Sie ISI Chat ohne Risiko. Wenn ISI Ihre Anforderungen erfüllt, dann upgraden Sie gern auf die nächste Version.
Die wohl einfachste Art zu kommunizieren
The easiest way to talk
€ 15,00 EUR
A comprehensive FAQ section that provides quick and easy access to all the information you need to understand our product.
What is the process for getting started with your product?
This section will cover the steps needed to start using your product, from signing up to customizing your experience.
How do I troubleshoot common issues?
This section will provide helpful information and resources for resolving common problems that customers may encounter while using your product.
What features and benefits does your product offer?
This section will highlight the key features and benefits of your product, and how they can help customers achieve their goals.
How does your product compare to others on the market?
This section will provide an overview of how your product stacks up against similar products available, and why customers should choose your product.
How can I receive support and assistance?
This section will provide information on the various ways customers can reach out for support and assistance, including email, phone, chat, and more.

It's so easy to enter a new dimension of communication.
Request, select ISI package, embed snippet and go. It couldn't be easier.
*We look forward to getting started with you!

So einfach starten Sie eine neue Dimension der Kommunikation.
Anfragen, ISI Package wählen, Snippet einbetten und starten. Einfacher geht es nicht.
*Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Ihnen starten zu können.