Intuitiv. Smart. Intelligent.
Simple ISI.

ISI Chat, the AI-powered chatbot, combines the personalised information from your website with the knowledge from ChatGPT. For the right answer at the right time: every time!


Do you want more from chat than just a standard way of dealing with incoming enquiries?

Then open up a new dimension of communication for you and your customers. Use ISI Chat, the customised chat solution for your website.

Real-time, high-precision communication. Always and everywhere. Simply ISI.


Available around
the clock


Accuracy of

Some benefits are obvious.
Others take a moment to see.

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

A personalised response always at hand? Out-of-hours flexibility, combined with quality responses, increases customer satisfaction.

Finally, more time for what matters

Tired of answering the same questions over and over again? Not only does it rob your staff of time, it also robs them of motivation. Automatically answering these questions frees up your staff.

Informative. Playful. Innovative.

All the world's languages in one application

Multilingual around the clock? No matter what language your customers are using. ISI Chat knows them all and delivers the content of your website to your customers.

Leverage learning and increase efficiency

Always on the same level? Not at all! ISI Chat understands not only the content of your website, but also other documents, and is constantly learning with the community.

ISI fair use price policy

ISI unlimited

*Fair usage pricing policy based on the number of tokens used by ChatGPT. The price shown is per month.

€ 159,00 EUR


*Fair usage pricing policy based on the number of tokens used by ChatGPT. The price shown is per month.

€ 99,00 EUR


*Fair usage pricing policy based on the number of tokens used by ChatGPT. The price shown is per month.

€ 15,00 EUR

Lange rede, kurzer Sinn - Was wirklich zählt:
Was sagen unsere Kunden zu ISI Chat?

"Bereits seit Jahren arbeiten wir mit einem trainierten Chatbot. Mit dem Umstieg auf den ChatGPT basierte ISI Chat hat sich die Kommunikation nochmals um ein Vielfaches verbessert. Der Personalisierungsgrad überzeugt."

Oliven & Genusshotel Hirzer nutzt ISI Chat
Manfred Tschöll
Inhaber Hotel Hirzer, Schenna

"Eine großartige Kombination aus Technologie und Service, sehr präzise Antworten in hoher sprachlicher Qualität und eine Reaktionszeit, die beeindruckt. ISI Chat ist eine echte Bereicherung für unsere Hotelwebsite und weit mehr als bloß ein klassischer Chatbot."

Hotel Hubertus nutzt ISI Chat
Markus Gasser
Inhaber Hotel Hubertus, Olang

Our passion? Thinking about AI and BI in a way that makes you happy and, most importantly, makes your job easier.

Prasanna Amanan
Managing Director Limendo India

Hannes Lösch
Owner & Managing Director

Pratheesh Kumar
ML Specialist & Project Lead

It's so easy to enter a new dimension of communication.

Request, select ISI package, embed snippet and go. It couldn't be easier.

*We look forward to getting started with you!